CC800 Cattle Commander Crush
Location: Albany, Western Australia
The CC800 Cattle Commander Crush comes equipped with the Cattle Commander ratchet locking system and single side parallel side squeeze.
CC750 Cattle Commander Crush
Location: Mt Gambier, South Australia
The CC800 Cattle Commander Crush comes equipped with the Cattle Commander ratchet locking system and bayonet side squeeze
CC850 Cattle Commander Crush
Location: Mt Gambier, South Australia
The CC850 Cattle Commander Crush is equipped with a dual side parallel side squeeze and Cattle Commander ratchet locking system
BL3200 Cattle Crush
Location: Albany, Western Australia
The BL3200 Cattle Crush is old stock clearance equipped with a Bull lock head bail and no side squeeze.
4200 Cattle Crush
Location: Albany, Western Australia
The BL4200 Cattle Crush is equipped with a bull lock headbail and bayonet side squeeze. Old stock clearance!
5.3m Mobile Sheep Ramp
Location: Albany, Western Australia
5.3m adjustable Mobile Sheep Ramp. Old stock clearance!
Single axle portable sheep yards
Location: Albany, Western Australia
Sngle Axle Portable Sheep yards in 17,23 and 35 panel set.
Adjustable and V-side draft modules
Location: Albany, Western Australia
Adjustable and V-Side Draft Modules
42Bag Feed-out Bin
Location: Elmore, Victoria.
The 42Bag Feed-Out Bin is a 50/50 Split, wireless trail feed and auger control with standard features.
42Bag Feed-out Bin
Location: Emerald, Queensland
42Bag Feed-Out Bin
46x15 Grain Tube Conveyor
Location: Mt Gambier, South Australia
46×15 Grain Tube Conveyor
61x10 Self-Propelled Auger
Location: Albany, Western Australia
61×10 Self Propelled Grain Auger with a 38hp Kohler Engine.
56x10 Self-Propelled Grain Auger
Location: Emerald, Queensland
56×10 Self Propelled Grain Auger, 37hp Vanguard Engine with standard features
56x10 Self-Propelled Grain Auger
Location: Albany, Western Australia
56×10 Self Propelled Grain Auger, 35hp Vanguard Engine
56x10 Self-Propelled Grain Auger
Location: Albany, Western Australia
35hp kohler with hydraulengic engline slide engage
46x10 Self-Propelled Grain Auger
Location: Albany, Western Australia
46×10 Self Propelled Grain Auger with a 31hp Vanguard Motor
46x11 Self-Propelled Grain Auger
Location: Albany, Western Australia
32.5hp kohler with hydraulengic engline slide engage