Custom Shearing Shed Fit-outs

Explore our shearing shed fit-outs, suited to new or existing sheds.

vite vite north, VIC

- 6 Stand Curved Board Shearing Shed
- Flat Board Design to Improve Roustabout Safety -1285 Head Holding Capacity

Stawell, VIC

- 3 Stand Jarrah Shearing Shed Fit-out
- Front & Rear Fill Catch Pens

Wal wal, VIC

- 4 Stand Curved Board Design
- Return Race
- 850 Head Holding Capacity on Grating
- Raised Jarrah Board
- Jarrah Wool Floor Area

Birchip, VIC

- 4 Stand Shearing Shed
- Customised Design to Fit in Existing Shed

Balmoral, VIC

- 4 Stand Curved Shearing Shed Fit-out
- Utilising existing grating in an old shed
- Front fill catching pens

mortlake, vic

- 2-Stand custom design shearing modules installed
- Front-fill catching pen design
- Custom design to fit in with existing grating & in a new shed

Minlaton, SA

- 2 Stand return race shearing shed fit-out
- 1.5m rear race for filling/emptying shed

Brit Brit, VIC

- 6-Stand right-angled shearing shed fitout
- Approx 570 head holding on grating

maryborough, VIC

- 3 stand straight board shearing shed fit-out.
- Front lane-fill catching pens.

Custom Designed Stock Yards

Explore our custom-designed stock yard projects.

Boorowa, NSW

- Dual working race with walkway.
- Manual Drafting station
- 2x separate handler stations
- Approx. 2500 head working capacity
- Footbath

Denmark, WA

- 5200 Bull-lock Cattle Crush
- 4.8m cattle King Ramp with walkway
- Concrete Working Areas
- Drafting Pound
- Man Access Gates

Colac, VIC

- Rotary force tub
- Curved V-Sided working race to fit 12 large cows
- 3-way drafting module
- 125 head working capacity
- Loading ramp leadup

mortlake, VIC

- Diamond pen for extra flexibility
- 350 head working capacity
- Toe recessed drench race
- Custom designed to link with existing yards and shearing shed ramp
- Provision for auto-drafter and sheep handler using semi-permanent panels

Birchmont, WA

- 400 head holding capacity
- Hot dipped galvanised crush
- Stockcare loading ramp

Wandering, wA

- Designed with a dual bugle to work large mobs
- Provision for bulk handler
- 8m Loading ramp with walkway

Kaniva, VIC

- 500 head working permanent sheep yards
- Single drenching race & manual draft
- Link with new 4-stand shearing shed & let outs

Cowell, SA

- Custom designed with central working/drafting/handler race
- Link with existing shearing shed & let outs
- 2x diamond pens for flexibility
- Approx. 1200 head working capacity

Serviceton, VIC

- 750 head working capacity
- Single drenching race with manual draft incorporated
- 3-way handler station in yards
- 2x diamond pens for flexibility
- Custom design to fit in yard cover

Lal Lal, VIC

- 4,000 Head Holding Capacity
- 2x Handlers
- Dual Race
- Footbath
- 8m Ramp
- Complete Yard, Shearing Shed and Shed Design Package

Vite Vite, vIC

- Dual bugle sheep yards
- 4x working stations undercover. (Dual drenching race, 12m bulk handler, 3-way handler & manual draft).
- 2000 head working capacity
- Custom designed to fit under yard cover

manypeaks, WA

- 1800 head working capacity
- 2-station working area – manual draft & 3-way drafting handler
- Link with shearing shed ramp
- 8m permanent loading ramp
- Custom-designed to link with existing infrastructure & yard cover.